Resident Resources
The Greenmount West Community Association aims to provide key information to our residents. We hope the information will be helpful to new and old residents alike.
- Elected Officials
- Green Spaces in GW:
- Police Information:
- Trash Pick-Up
- Street Cleaning:
- Schools In GW:
- Voting Location:
- NextDoor App
- 311 Information
See something missing from this list? Please email and our website manager will get back to you shortly!
Elected Officials
City Councilman (District 12):
State Delegates (District 45):
Jackie Addison
Stephanie Smith
Caylin Young
State Senator (District 45):
U.S. Representative (Maryland District 7):
U.S. Senators:
Chris Van Hollen
Benjamin L. Cardin
Green Spaces in GW:
Brentwood Commons: 1816 Brentwood Avenue
Brentwood Garden: 1705-1723 Brentwood Ave.
Hidden Harvest Farm: 1825 N. Calvert St.
NGBLL Community Chess Park: 435-439 E. Lafayette Ave.
Police Information:
Greenmount West is served by the Baltimore City Police Department's Eastern District. The Eastern District is home to the Coldstream-Homestead-Montebello (“The Chum”) neighborhood, Four by Four and Clifton Park, a national historic district that includes the 18-hole Clifton Park Golf Course.Additionally, Baltimore’s Penn Station, the National Great Blacks in Wax Museum and the historic Greenmount Cemetery may be found here. Several notable historical figures are buried at the cemetery, including John Wilkes Booth, Johns Hopkins and Enoch Pratt.
Address: 1620 Edison Highway, Baltimore, MD 21213
Phone: 410-396-2433
Trash Pick-Up
Trash pick-up for most of the neighborhood is in front of your home, unless otherwise directed by Department of Public Works. Fines are levied for improper disposal.
Wednesday: Non-recyclable household trash in trash cans with lids
Alternating Fridays: Recyclables in bins or clearly marked boxes/bags
Street Cleaning:
Street sweeping trucks come four days a week in order to help keep down the street trash. Until there is a shift in the prevailing attitudes regarding discarding trash on the streets and sidewalks we need this service. Much of the neighborhood is a wind tunnel for trash from North Ave. Read the posted signs.
Schools In Greenmount West:
Baltimore Design School
Baltimore Montessori Public Charter School
Voting Location:
Our polling place is the Baltimore Montessori Public Charter School, 1600 Guilford Avenue. To register to vote or request an absentee ballot, call 410.269.2840 or visit
NextDoor App
A useful social networking tool that is available for all Greenmount West community members to understand the activities and ongoing of your neighborhood.
311 Information
Baltimore City Services webpage, which can provide further information that might not be found from the above links.